Hattie’s Pie


John Hattie compared the effect size of many aspects that influence learning outcomes. The “pie” of Hattie shows us the impact of teachers on learning. Hattie: “Help teachers to understand their impact!”

The next picture explains what works best (and what doesn’t) in raising student achievement.

Hattie leren zichtbaar maken


How to improve your education?

  • read the book “Visible Learning For Teachers”
  • identify similarities and differences between the advice in “Visible Learning” and the reality in your classroom, your school
  • define your goals; what do you want to change and to achieve?
  • work together with your team to achieve your goals
  • have trust in each other and in the learning process, “errors are welcomed as opportunities to learn”
  • evaluate the effect of your activities and make new plans

Read more about John Hattie:
– Infographic http://visible-learning.org/2013/02/infographic-john-hattie-visible-learing/
– Articles in Dutch: http://www.bazalt.nl/expertise-hattie-leren-zichtbaar-maken/in-de-media

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